When something makes you laugh so hard, you have to share. Take the Kanye West twitter, and add "Liz Lemon," before it. Suddenly, it becomes the Twitter account of Tracy Jordan. "Liz Lemon, I wish I had a fashion week time machine... Gotta learn to live with regrets." I defy you to read it without doing the voice (good news everyone, and so forth). (via)
You might think old people just want young'uns off their lawn, but it's more sinister than that: stories in which young people fail cheer up the elderly. That kid who saved kittens? Screw 'em. Teen drunk driver gets arrested? Ah, that's a good day for old people's self-esteem. On the other hand, young people thought stories about old people -- whether positive or negative -- sucked either way. At least old people care about what's happening to the youth of today.