21 December 2000

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Visitor Comments:

(Submitted by evil princess )

WHOO-HOO! i'm first!

(Submitted by beckster )

Yum Yum candy....Hey little boy....want some candy??? Oh that's right...you shouldn't take candy from strangers.

(Submitted by 3rd Bass )

Man, I hope Wal Mart is within walking distance. At least you didn't put it on a credit card. Oh wait, I just got it...Wal mart has strippers now! They really do have low prices although I would never trust a stripper.

(Submitted by Abi )

Happy Holidays - Terry, Chiq, Jennifer, lieu, Dal, Der, BB, Germy, Suz!!! And all you other lovely posters - I'm off for now.....see you in the New Year !! *Christmas snogz all 'round!!*

(Submitted by Abi )

Happy Holidays - Terry, Chiq, Jennifer, lieu, Dal, Der, BB, Germy, Suz!!! And all you other lovely posters - I'm off for now.....see you in the New Year !! *Christmas snogz all 'round!!*

(Submitted by Abi )

Happy Holidays - Terry, Chiq, Jennifer, lieu, Dal, Der, BB, Germy, Suz!!! And all you other lovely posters - I'm off for now.....see you in the New Year !! *Christmas snogz all 'round!!*

(Submitted by Terry )

Are you trying to tell us something Abi? Anyhoo, *SNOGZ* back to ya. D man, candy is dandy, but sex won't rot yer teeth...unless...oh, never mind.

(Submitted by Moosey )

$2.97 of candy doesn't sound like much of a Christmas dinner to me. Maybe he's going round to Matt Krieg's for the dinner. Matt certainly owes him for all the international fame and prestige he has gained via this web-site and I've never seen him on here expressing his thanks... Where are you Matt?? (You ungrateful wretch)

(Submitted by Abi )

An Abi Threesome!! What an end to the year huh!!!

(Submitted by Terry )

Yeah, I've always thought you had a beautiful end...CANDY!!! Hope everybody has a wonderful holiday...See You Next Tuesday...

(Submitted by Abi - doing a Jennifer )

"If I said you had a beautiful CANDY, would you hold it against me..."

(Submitted by Terry )

Twice...in one month? Jeez...

(Submitted by Abi )

I only do things in triplicate.....!!

(Submitted by Dalliance - Elf of Love )

Happy Holidays All...and Abi, mucho gracias for the multiple snogs (woohoo!!) Hey there, Merry Terry. By the way, wanted to add...I also KNOW for a fact that there are incredibly HANDSOME men among us. It's amazing really. Ladies, we are blessed. So good morning and Merry, Merry to Chiqs, Abi, Germy, Jen, Suz, Balmain, Ter, lieu, Merlin, Big D Man, Susie, Andre (if he ever comes back) and all you other beautiful posties. We've had a very good year in the land of low low prices, have we not? *kiss..snog..hug..mwoa, shag, and all that other touchy, feely stuff* Thanks for the CANDY Derek...might that have been a snickers??? *hopeful face*

(Submitted by Terry )

Hey back atcha Dal...Happy Holidays to you, and especially to all the youngsters out there who haven't been warped by our interpretation of this holiday...I hope everybody gets what they want...Abi- cakes, a threesome sounds great, but I'll need a CANDY break at some point...I've got real hard...teeth...

(Submitted by Chiquita )

Well, it seems like everybody's taking off early today... so I better get my holiday cheers in now.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!! I've got a New Year's nanner for each of you. Just remember, at midnight on New Year's Eve, don't forget to shout GEL!, CANDY!, & KITTY TREATS!!!

(Submitted by Candy )

Hey y'all, you can't ALWAYS believe them folks at Wal*Mart. I'm worth a lot more than $2.97!

(Submitted by Owen )

You people are weird.

(Submitted by stellar )

*Travis* Merry Christmas Baby Brother :) I should have bought your presents at Wal-Mart.

(Submitted by Bond )

Hark - is that my princess over yonder....

(Submitted by Trouble Girl )

'Tis me, you incredibly virile strumpet-bandit. Now, look what I've gone and done - dragged you into Receiptland, haven't I? (did I mention I was an official Wal*tart Princess?) But, should I feel guilty for so corrupting you? *pondering with a pale finger to chin* No, I shan't...not after you..well...you know what you did, you wicked rascal. GEL! GEL! GEL!

(Submitted by Marshall Blueberry )

What can I say sis, that was one of the highlights of my day......and I had a great day. I hope you have a Merry Christmas AND a Happy New Year. I like the fact that you SHOULD have bought all of my presents there and you actually didn't. But hey, its the thought that counts.

(Submitted by TRAVIS IS QUEER! )

Hmm.... Travis visiting Walmart..? That doesn't sound right! Maybe if he was violation something or someone INSIDE Walmart. But visiting Walmart just for the sole purpose of going there? I THINK NOT! Violation sounds alot more normal!

(Submitted by FOX )

Well it's been awhile. Been to busy at work. Happy Holidays. Everybody be safe and HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!

(Submitted by Jennifer )

I want sex and CANDY

(Submitted by JP )

...and I really don't give a shot about the CANDY

(Submitted by PJ )

I thought one was a substitute for the other

(Submitted by daddyiwannapony! )

dec 21 is my birthday, wow candy . . .i feel special! what type of candy?

(Submitted by in lieu of john )

candy 3:16 ...and wal*yahway said "whosoever eateth of me shall not sparkle but shall have everlasting cavities."

(Submitted by NYCFASHIONGIRL )


(Submitted by Fanny Artichoke )

I'm disappointed. Derek paid for this candy with cash. Isn't VISA good enough for candy????

(Submitted by Smeeguy )

Wow! I am more of a loser than I ever would of thought.

(Submitted by Snogger )

o/~I WANT CANDY dum-dum...dah dah dum I WANT CANDY... o/~

(Submitted by Grover )

You go to Wal-Mart to just get $3 dollars worth of Candy? What kind of sugar bug are you?

(Submitted by Dleawarepizzaguy.com )

USELESS But interesting to see what people buy